The BPA has been encouraging members to publicise its Know Your Parking Rights website. Nearly 60,000 people have now visited Know Your Parking Rights since the site was launched in November 2014 and during that time almost 125,000 pages have been viewed.
The site has recently been updated to provide fuller coverage of parking issues – allowing people outside the sector to keep themselves informed and thus creating value for the public.
For starters, the Frequently Asked Questions page has been expanded and the difference between parking on public and private land has been made clearer. Since a large number of visitors are browsing Know Your Parking Rights to find out whether the charge or fine they have received is legal, these are both important steps in ensuring that they get all the information they need.
Secondly, a prominent section titled ‘Why is parking managed’ has been added. This gives people the answers to common questions, presenting, for example, statistics on compliance rates and the Court’s of Appeals’s rulling in recent high profile cases.
Finally a new area of the website goes into the new arrangements between the BPA and Disabled Parking UK, and gives details of the Disabled Parking Accreditation – helping disabled drivers to find parking facilities that cater for them.
Know Your Parking Rights is appreciated by people in Government – the fact that the profession is actively helping the people to understand parking management and enforcement is good for the profession when talking to lawmakers. For this reason, the BPA is both updating the Know Your Parking Rights printed guide and promoting the service to MP’s and stakeholders, who will be invited to attend drop-in Parking Advice Clinics at the Conservative and SNP conferences.